Barry Walsh - Ways to Rembember Important Information - App feature

Ways to rembember important information

When you open the app there is a section with simple and easy to remember acronyms to help users remember important information about the app. These acronyms will be used to remember topics such as how to prevent catching the virus, how to avoid spreading the virus if you have it, what are the symptoms of the virus etc.

Fo example SAD could stand for:
Stop shakinghands or hugging when saying hello or greting people
Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
Distance yourself at least 6 feet away from other people

For people who are illiterate or have dyslexia there will be an images only section of instructions on the same topics mentioned above. These images will be very clear and obvious on what they represent and will not need further explaining of what they mean.

Example found online:
