Donna Louise - Breakdown of Separate Parts of Proposal
Our Proposal:
Our Proposal:
- We have to make a website/app for emergency or warning announcements.
- Suggest actions that needs to be taken in such a scenario and the information needs to be personalised.
- Need to research similar apps.
- Need to show the functionality of the website/app.
- Need to test the app and get feedback on it.
- Need to work as a team make a report, timetable, blog, organise meetings and decide what each person has to do.
App or Website?
App - easier to access, can carry it with you, make it work through signal on your phone and not just through a WIFI signal as then the alerts will reach you regardless of WIFI or not. Make it like this so in the case of a severe emergency (massive outbreak, country lockdown, deaths near you, newly diagnosed cases closest you, etc.) you can access the information immediately.
Suggested Actions:
What will be the safety plan for our clients? How do we personalise it to fit their needs? Can we create a safety acronym?
This could be a short way of communicating an emergency plan to the receivers of these messages.But, do we make separate safety plans dependent on the colour code of the emergency?
Examples of safety acronyms: FAST - in the cases of strokes (Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, Time to call 999) or PASS - in the cases of fires (Pull pin, Aim at base of fire, Squeeze handle, Sweep side to side)
Research of Similar Apps:
Functionality of App:
Brainstorm ideas for app layouts that are also aesthetic so it's not just of mumbo jumbo on a home page. Make it appealing for all users. Also place inn features for text to enlarge if needed so older people/customers with bad eyesight/dyslexia can read it. Maybe incorporate a Siri like function so that a blind person can be alerted as well as they will not have the ability to read the information on the app or read the alerts on their phone.
Different icons for tips on how to handle an immediate emergency, immediate need to know knowledge, a page with the latest news, etc.
Testing prototypes:
Asking fellow students in CIT outside of our course, also older students in course, however not in our year. Parents, friends, enemies, distant relatives, randoms in our home communities, maybe the client themselves? Just as wide and varied a range of people as possible.
Allocation of work: TBD
Main aspects we need to focus on will be as follows, however;
- Report - of what has been carried out throughout this project, reflections of what we can improve on as we go, etc
- Timetable - plan the main events of our project so we can stay on an organised schedule and not fall behind on work that needs to be completed
- Blog - team effort valued on this one as we can see the contribution of all team members throughout the project
- Organise meetings - in order to catch each other up on what we each have done and are planning to do in regards to furthering the project
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