Darragh Leahy - Web Page Prototypes

The prototypes that I drew up focuses on how the web/app will look on a computer/laptop. The home page will have a map of the country you are located in (you can change location in settings), and will go into detail into the amounts of cases in the areas around the country. Along the top is the navigation menu which leads you to different pages that include different information surrounding COVID-19. Just under the navigation bar you can see the settings.

The settings will appear as a side bar to the page after being clicked on. In the settings you would be able to find your personal radius, in which you can set to your own personal preference, so that the map will change accordingly and also the numbers at the bottom of the home screen. You will also be able to allow notifications to come through to your phone/computer and can personalise your alerts to your preference also. As touched on before, you can change your location here. Most devices will be tracking your location already so this may not be needed, but this is also here if you were to be curious as to how other countries are coping with the pandemic.

The About Us page will provide information about who we are, what we're doing and what our goals are.

The site will also feature a News page. Here you will be able to find more specific information about the pandemic. The information gathered here will be from reliable sources such as gov.ie, HSE Ireland, World Health Organisation (WHO) and more. It will feature news about how other countries are coping and what is being done to get this situation done and over with ASAP.

The Contact Info page will inform the viewer of the reliable sites highly involved with the pandemic. They can go to these pages if they have any queries or advice they are seeking.

The Learn page provides a general overview of the virus and provides information on the symptoms involved and how to prevent yourself from getting it. This is essential for everyone as it is important that we combat the virus as quickly and efficiently as possible, and there no better way to fight it than preventing it.
